Nasca pottery is among the finest and most beautiful in ancient Peru. Molded in very pure clay and painted with up to 16 colors, its most characteristic shape is the two spout bottle with a bridge handle, decorated in plain, outlined colors and with a deeply burnished surface. Nature inspired many of its beautiful designs, but it also includes a series of fantastic figures that populated the mythical universe of this farming society on Peru’s southern coast.
These designs arose from the naturalism of the later phases of the Parakas culture, up to the stylization and abstraction, which characterizes the later Nazca.

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Botella asa puente antropomorfa: Cabeza trofeo

Botella asa puente antropomorfa: Cabeza trofeo

Materials: Ceramic

Intermedio Temprano

Measures: 130 mm de alto 400 - 700 d.C.

Part Code: MCHAP 0022

See the profile of this piece
Botella asa puente

Botella asa puente

Materials: Ceramic

Formativo Tardío. 200 - 600 a.C. Ocucaje Fase 7.

Measures: 167 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0253

See the profile of this piece
Plato polícromo

Plato polícromo

Materials: Ceramic

Formativo Tardío. 200 - 600 a.C. Paracas. Fase 8 y 9

Measures: 59 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0260

See the profile of this piece


Materials: Ceramic

Intermedio Temprano 100 a.C.- 700 d.C.

Measures: 155 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0285

See the profile of this piece
Botella silbato antropomorfa

Botella silbato antropomorfa

Materials: Ceramic

Intermedio Temprano 100 a.C.- 700 d.C.

Measures: 260 mm de alto x 91 mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 0287

See the profile of this piece
Botella asa puente

Botella asa puente

Materials: Ceramic

Formativo Tardío 200 - 600 a.C.

Measures: 160 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0454

See the profile of this piece
Botella asa puente

Botella asa puente

Materials: Ceramic

Intermedio Temprano 100 a.C.- 700 d.C.

Measures: 95 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0498

See the profile of this piece


Materials: Ceramic

Intermedio Temprano 100 a.C.- 700 d.C.

Measures: 195 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0783

See the profile of this piece


Materials: Ceramic

Intermedio Temprano 100 a.C.- 700 d.C.

Measures: 74 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 2846

See the profile of this piece