Vitrina Civilización en México CentralVitrina Civilización en México CentralVitrina Civilización en México CentralVitrina Civilización en México Central

The first urban centers with pyramid temples, headquarters of the growing ruling and priest elites, arose from earlier rural societies like Tlatilco. This process culminated in the central high plains with the emergence of Teotihuacán, México`s first big city and the capital of a powerful state, and in the Oaxaca region with the development of Monte Albán. Some time later the loss of these states’s influence gave rise to the development of civilizations, such as the Toltecs and Mixtecs, which led to the formation of the Aztec empire.

Incensario polícromo

Incensario polícromo

Materials: Ceramic

Clásico 300 - 600 d.C. Fases Xolalpan, Metepec y Tlamimilolpa Tardía.

Measures: 600 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0613-0614

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Vaso “plumbate”

Materials: Ceramic

Clásico Tardío 1200 - 900 a.C. San Juan.

Measures: 230 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0568

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Urna funeraria. Cocijo: Dios de la Lluvia

Urna funeraria. Cocijo: Dios de la Lluvia

Materials: Ceramic

300- 900 d.C. Monte Albán III-A , III-B

Measures: 185mm de alto x 97mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 0039

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Fragmento de incensario

Fragmento de incensario

Materials: Ceramic

Clásico 400- 750 d.C. Estilo Tiquisate.

Measures: 128 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0111

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Figurilla antropomorfa

Figurilla antropomorfa

Materials: Ceramic

Measures: 65 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0114

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Cuenco trípode

Cuenco trípode

Materials: Stone

Post-Clásico 800 - 1500 d.C.

Measures: 109 mm de alto x 295 mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 0624

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Máscara antropomorfa

Máscara antropomorfa

Materials: Stone

Clásico. 400- 750 d.C. Estilo Teotihuanacoide.

Measures: 235 mm de alto x 260 mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 2048

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Figurilla antropomorfa masculina

Figurilla antropomorfa masculina

Materials: Ceramic

Clásico 400 - 750 d.C. Fases Xolalpan y Metepec.

Measures: 65 mm de alto x 60 mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 1644

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Figura zoomorfa: perro

Figura zoomorfa: perro

Materials: Ceramic

Clásico Tardío 600- 900 d.C. Estilo Nopiloa, fase II o III.

Measures: 107 mm de alto x 171 mm de largo x 87 mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 2629 ayb

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