Basket with geometric designs. Coiled weave, plant fiber. Quebrada de Tarapacá, 500 a.C. – 100 d.C. 34 x 6,5 cm, MCHAP/DSCY 3073.

Headdress ornament in carved bone. Chorrillos, río Loa Medio, 800 – 400 a.C. 9 x 2,7 cm, Museo Corporación de Cultura y Turismo de Calama, N° F4/209.

Basketry cup with human figures. Coiled weave, plant fiber. Topater, río Loa Medio, 400 a.C. – 100 d.C. 17,5 x 20 cm, Museo Corporación de Cultura y Turismo de Calama, N°004.

Basketry bottle with geometric designs. Coiled weave, plant fiber. Topater, río Loa Medio, 400 a.C. – 100 d.C. 12,5 x 14,5 cm, Museo Corporación de Cultura y Turismo de Calama, N°320.
The stepped motifs, zigzag lines, figures with radiating headdresses and serpentine figures are elements of the visual culture of these people that are found on their baskets, metal and bone artifacts and textiles, as well as rock art.