The most typical architectural model in the Vicús culture is a ceramic house with and individual inside who has exaggerated and grotesque features. The model has a double roof, which is understandable in a climate with short but torrential rainfalls in the summer and intense sun exposure year around. The roof appears to be supported by wooden posts defining a large airy space. The diagonal lines painted on the body of the vessel could represent a stairway to the top of a hill or platform, simulating the mounds where this culture’s archeological sites are found.

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Botella asa estribo Representación arquitectónica

Botella asa estribo Representación arquitectónica

Materials: Ceramic

Intermedio Temprano 100 - 800 dC

Measures: 244 mm de alto x 190 mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 0271

See the profile of this piece
Botella asa puente: arquitectónica- zoomorfa

Botella asa puente: arquitectónica- zoomorfa

Materials: Ceramic

0 - 500 d.C. Vicus AB (Fase Temprana). Estilo Vicus/Vicus.

Measures: 278 mm de alto x 315 mm de largo

Part Code: MCHAP 0245

See the profile of this piece
Botella asa estribo: representación arquitectónica

Botella asa estribo: representación arquitectónica

Materials: Ceramic

Intermedio Temprano 100- 800 d.C.

Measures: 168 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 2059

See the profile of this piece