Vitrina Olmeca: origen de la civilizaciónVitrina Olmeca: origen de la civilización

Mesoamerican reached its culminating point when its social, economic and political development favored the rise of highly hierarchical societies that were able to control large contingents of the populations. The Olmec was the first culture to achieve this level through advances in urbanization, architecture and the arts, which marked the later development of many Mesoamerican artistic styles.

Related cultures:

Figurilla antropomorfa

Figurilla antropomorfa

Materials: Ceramic

1200 - 900 aC

Measures: 305 mm de alto

Part Code: MCHAP 0058

See the profile of this piece
Figurilla antropomorfa masculina

Figurilla antropomorfa masculina

Materials: Stone

Formativo Medio. 900 - 400 a.C. Fase La Venta.

Measures: 145 mm de alto x 54 mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 2097

See the profile of this piece
Figurilla antropomorfa de niño

Figurilla antropomorfa de niño

Materials: Stone

Formativo Medio 900- 400 a.C. Fase La Venta.

Measures: 185 mm de alto x 112 mm de ancho

Part Code: MCHAP 2103

See the profile of this piece