Botella asa-estribo: "Cara Arrugada " con tocado de felino y cuerpo de concha Strombus , portando estólica y dardos. Museo Larco, Lima - Perú

Botella asa-estribo: "Cara Ar rugada" con patas de crustáceo sosteniendo cuchillo y cabeza Decapitada. Museo Larco, Lima - Perú

Botella asa-estribo: "Cara Arrugada" navegando sobre embarcación en forma de pez mítico junto a prisioneros amarrados y con soga al cuello. Museo Larco, Lima - Perú

Botella asa-estribo: "Cara Arrugada " con tocado de búho,túnica reticulada y tapa rrabo Museo Larco, Lima - Perú

The world of the ances

The World of the Ancestors was populated by gods who were able to bring the Ruler back to life and restore the capabilities he lost after death. This was home to the forces that rejuvenated the fertility of the earth and sea. Human sacrifices, drinking the blood of sacrificed prisoners and the transmission of seminal fluid were the payment that humans had to make to the gods to allow their Ruler to recover his fertility and ensure that his people had water to irrigate their fields and an abundance of marine resources.