Dying to Rule: Sex and Power in Moche Society – 2007

Botella : Representación de cópula vagina l entre "Cara Arrugada " y mujer j unto a árbol de
uyuchus y monos. Museo Larco, Lima - Perú I ML004359

Botella : Representación de cópula vagina l entre "Cara Arrugada " y mujer j unto a árbol de
uyuchus y monos. Museo Larco, Lima - Perú I ML004359

Botella asa-estribo : Mono comiendo,con orejeras , túnica y bolsa colgando al Cuello. Museo Larco, Lima - Perú / ML008202

Botella asa-estribo : Mono comiendo,con orejeras , túnica y bolsa colgando al Cuello. Museo Larco, Lima - Perú / ML008202

Cántaro: Representación de cópula vaginal entre "Cara Arrugada" y mujer. Ambos portan bolsas en la espalda. Museo Larco, Lima - Perú / ML004364

Cuenco : Representación del fruto uyuchu Museo Larco,Lima - Perú /ML006496
Sexual Climax
The culmination of this complex ideology of life and death occurs when “Wrinkle Face” engages in vaginal copulation with a living woman. From this procreative sex act there springs a luxuriant tree full of ulluchu fruit, which are then picked by monkeys and received by a group of individuals. The ulluchu fruit was an important element of rituals performed by religious officials with the blood of sacrificed prisoners, the Ruler’s source of power.