Mantle: Shamans in flight

Funerary mantle. Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Block Color style; camelid and cotton fibers. Mummy Nº 38, object Nº 14. 251 x 137,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1269)

Funerary mantle (detail). Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Block Color style; camelid and cotton fibers. Mummy Nº 38, object Nº 14. 251 x 137,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1269)

Embroidery in the Block Color style

Mantle’s central motif

Mantle: Shamans in flight

The motif on this mantle is embroidered 63 times with slightly different colors and features. It represents a figure with the head looking backward and hair hanging down the back, its body in a contorted position. The figures are wearing a skirt, a diadem on its forehead and ear ornaments, and with their faces painted or tattooed. Some are holding staffs, others fans, or wield knives. This character has been interpreted as a shaman dancing or in a “shamanic flight.” It has also been interpreted as an ancestor embodied as a shaman or deceased person, based on its skull-face, prominent ribs, and deep chest wounds, all features associated with death.