Turban-cloth: Two-headed serpents.

Turban-cloth: Two-headed serpents.

Turban-cloth. Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Linear style; camelid fiber. 115 x 38,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1791).

Turban-cloth (detail). Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Linear style; camelid fiber. 115 x 38,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1791).

How the turban-cloth was worn.

Turban-cloth: Two-headed serpents

This rectangular cloth has a border embroidered in the Linear style and edges finished with cross-knit looping. The central motif features two-headed serpents with S-shaped bodies and serrated profiles, intertwined at the tails. The Big-Eyed Being appears above them.