Mantle: Mythical anthropomorphic

Funerary mantle. Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Linear style; camelid and cotton fibers. Mummy Nº 378, object Nº 2. 255,5 x 131 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1550)

Funerary mantle (detail). Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Block Color style; camelid and cotton fibers. Mummy Nº 319, object Nº 7. 250 x 131 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-31783)

Embroidery in the Block Color style

Mantle’s central motif

Mantle: Mythical Anthropomorphic Being

The motif embroidered here is a Mythical Anthropomorphic Being wearing a diadem, disc earrings and a nose ring. Two serpents with spiked bodies emerge from its mouth, while another is coming out of its head. One of them is holding a sack of beans in its jaws. On both sides of the head are felines with plant features. The figure has been interpreted as a mythical being related to agricultural fertility, represented in shamanic flight. This piece comes from the same bundle as the mantle showing the shaman of the orcas.