Funerary mantle. Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Block Color style; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 319, object Nº 9. 277,5 x 140 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1444).

Embroidery in the Linear style.

Funerary mantle (detail). Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Linear style; camelid and cotton fibers. Mummy Nº 378, object Nº 2. 255,5 x 131 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1550).

Mantle’s central motif.

Mantle:Big-Eyed Beings

The motif embroidered onto this mantle is the feline version of the Big Eyed Being, represented in profile and facing forward, in alternating positions. Human heads appear at the end of appendages protruding from its head and chin, as well as at the top of the tail. In its paws this Being holds a sacrificial knife and a severed head. Although it is embroidered in the so-called Linear style, the checkerboard design in the central field and the use of identical motifs align it with the Block Color style.