Fringed short poncho. Plain weave cotton, embroidered in the Broad Line style; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 421, object Nº 56. 101 x 72,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP RT-1422)

Fringed short poncho. Plain weave cotton, embroidered in the Broad Line style; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 421, object Nº 56. 101 x 72,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP RT-1422).

Fringed short poncho (detail). Plain weave cotton, embroidered in the Broad Line style; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 421, object Nº 56. 101 x 72,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP RT-1422).

Fringed short poncho (detail). Plain weave cotton, embroidered in the Broad Line style; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 421, object Nº 56. 101 x 72,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP RT-1422).

How the short poncho was worn.

Short poncho with fringes: Big-Eyed Being

This small poncho features an embroidered motif of the feline version of the Big-Eyed Being, positioned in profile and facing forward. Smaller versions of the same figure are found at the end of the tail and the appendage protruding from the chin. On top of the head is another appendage with a severed human head. The image of this being originated in the Chavín culture and its influence is seen in the Paracas culture during both the Cavernas and Necrópolis stages.