Headband: Turbans.

Headband. Knotted weave, oblique braiding and wraping; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 253, object Nº 9. 442 x 24 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1615).

Headband. Knotted weave, oblique braiding and wraping; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 253, object Nº 9. 442 x 24 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1615).

Headband: Turban I

The central area is knotted-weave and features designs very similar to Linear style embroidered designs, with three felines in different positions and versions of the same animal inside their bodies. This is a feline version of the Big-Eyed Being, one of the most common mythical figures in Paracas art. Both ends of the band have braided and wrapping string extensions with motifs of concentric diamond and human figures with feline features, edged with long twisted fringes.