Ceramic serving dish. Paracas, Topará style. 5,6 x 18,6 cm (INC-MNAAHP, C-16092)

Ceramic bottle. Paracas, Topará style . 13,4 x 17,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP, C-54184).

Ceramic miniature bottle. Paracas, Topará style. 9,5 x 9,5 cm (INC-MNAAHP, C-16178).

Topará ceramics

The multicolored textiles that accompanied the dead contrast with the monochromatic vessels of Topará, a ceramic tradition that flourished in more northern coastal valleys such as Topará, Chincha and Pisco and inherited some of its formal features from the previous Paracas Cavernas tradition. Typical of this tradition are serving dishes and double-spout-and-bridge bottles in the shape of plants and animals. Regular vessels were left as grave goods beside the funerary bundle, while miniature ceramic items were placed inside the bundle, among the textiles that enveloped the body.