Funerary mantle. Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Block Color style; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 319, object Nº 9. 277,5 x 140 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1444).

Embroidery in the Block Color style.

Funerary mantle (detail). Plain weave, cross-knit looping and embroidery in the Block Color style; camelid fiber. Mummy Nº 319, object Nº 9. 277,5 x 140 cm (INC-MNAAHP, RT-1444).

Mantle’s central motif.

Mantle: Shaman of the Orcas

The motif in this mantle, repeated 44 times in the central field and 22 on the borders, represents a mythical being, probably a shaman, with the attributes of a marine creature. The figure has a large mask made of two orca silhouettes facing each other, with two appendages ending in the same animal. It is wearing a tunic and fringed skirt and has a trapezoid-shaped pendant hanging around its neck. In its hands the figure holds a triangular knife with an orca-shaped handle and a severed head with mouth sewn shut with cactus needles. Girdling its waist is a skirt with a band of orcas.